Celebrating Heroes

Celebrating Heroes

Can't find much to celebrate these days? Take a closer look! Across the globe, hospital workers are going above and beyond the call of duty, working around the clock to bring us closer to happier, healthier days. Their seemingly endless supply of compassion, diligence, and kindness is absolutely worthy of celebration.

Join us this year in celebrating National Nurses Week. Taking time to honor nurses might hold a particular relevance this year, but the tradition extends back to 1974. Regardless of what’s going on in the world, nurses help people through the most pivotal, important moments of their lives every day. Recognition of their hard work is as essential as they are. National Nurses Week starts on May 6th and ends on May 12th, the anniversary of Florence Nightingale’s birthday.

 We can’t talk about celebrating our heroes without mentioning Mother’s Day, which falls on May 10th this year. Most of the mothers we know seem to develop their own superpowers, like super-hearing, x-ray vision, and the ability to end child-induced mayhem faster than a speeding bullet. They don’t usually wear capes, but they frequently save the day with their patience, strength, laughter, and love. These wonder women deserve a day of acknowledgment and appreciation.  

 We’d like to help you celebrate and thank your heroes, which is why Jan created the Superheroes Collection, a curated assortment of giftable accessories designed for the supermen and superwomen in your life. 

Hard work and selflessness deserve to be rewarded. Let’s work together to show our gratitude to the people who make our world brighter and better. 
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